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Betta fish should eat pellets or vibra bites, especially made for bettas. Pellets are usually preferred as they are cleaner and make it easier to keep track of how much food your betta is receiving. Feed 2 pellets a day up to 6 days a week. Bettas also love frozen food such as blood worms & brine shrimp a few times a week.

Caring for a Betta

Betta fish are native to Southeast Asia. They can take oxygen from the water, like other fish do or they can breathe atmospheric air if needed by using what is called a labyrinth organ. If you follow these instructions and guidelines, you should find that these fish are very easy to care for and that they male a wonderful & colorful addition to your home.


We suggest keeping betta fish in a minimum of 5 gallons. Larger tanks are easier to clean and will give your fish more space to exercise and explore. A filter and a heater are necessary for optimum health and longevity. Conditioning tap water is very important so that your fish isn't exposed to harmful chemicals that may be found in your tap water. Make sure to check the pH of the water, the ideal pH is 6.5 - 7.2. Water temperatures should be monitored and kept between 75 - 82 degrees Fahrenheit. Bettas love to sleep and rest on top of things so providing them with flat surfaces such as smooth driftwood, thick plants or a "Betta Leaf" is highly recommended.


Regular 25% partial water changes are essential. This should be done at minimum of twice a month. Match your replacement water and tank water, for pH and temperature. Replacement water can be adjusted & treated tap or bottled water, however use distilled water to top off your tank between partial changes.


Keep an eye out for black or fuzzy edges on the fins of your betta, this may be "fin rot". This can be caused by poor water quality, high nitrate or ammonia levels. Fin rot is easily treatable, as us for a recommendation if you suspect your your betta may have fin rot. Also look for unusual swimming patterns and buoyancy issues.

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