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Safe Foods for Mice


Many fruits and vegetables are safe for mice to eat. Mice are naturally opportunistic omnivores, and will eat plant and animal-based foods. They also love seeds (such as sunflower), grains, and berries. 

Mice are also coprophagic animals, which means they will eat their own feces for nutritional purposes. They will eat it straight off the ground. 



Unsafe Foods for Mice


Grapes, raisins, rhubarb, walnuts, chocolate, candy, carbonated liquids, any human "junk food".

Lettuce can cause diarrhea.

Caring for a Mouse

Lifespan: 2 years


Mice can be among the most charming of pets. They have the advantage of taking up little space, being inexpensive to feed, and easy to handle. They are nocturnal by nature and will be most active in the middle of the night. Mice are small animals, and are easily scared by loud noises and sudden movements, though they can be accustomed to being held if you always remember to be gentle and quiet around them. Two mice will keep each other company, but make sure they are a same-sex pair to avoid unwanted pregnancy.  Many people prefer to keep females as pets due to their less-noticeable odor. 



Until your mouse is used to being picked up, try using a paper cup to scoop up the mouse and release it onto your hand. Small children always need to be supervised when handling mice, and should be reminded not to squeeze too tightly! If you have other pets, watch them carefully when your mouse is out of the cage, and never leave them alone in the same room; accidents happen!



You will find several options for your new mouse's home. A 10 gallon (or larger for multiple mice) tank makes a good home, provided there is ample ventilation via a screen lid - this also helps with safety. Look for safe bedding, such as Carefresh or pine shavings. Do not use cedarYour mouse is sure to appreciate a home with toys, like a wheel, ladders, or other climbing devices. Having a small hide-house is also a good idea. Adding some hay or other nesting material will make it easy for you rmouse to build a cozy nest. 



Mice eat quite a lot of food, considering their small size. Check your mouse's food bowl daily to be sure it has plenty of mice-specific dry food (square meal). Mice sometimes move their food and bury it, so it wouldn't hurt to check their bedding as well! In addition to dry food, provide fresh food such as fruit and vegetables once a week, in a separate dish. A mixture of seed can also be given once a week. Fresh water should be available in a water bottle at all times. 



Spot clean soiled areas of the cage a minimum of 3-5 times a week, and scrub out the entire cage weekly. Food and water dishes should also be cleaned weekly. Always rise and dry the cage well before adding bedding.



Mice will become sexually mature at around 2 months of age, and females at around 6 weeks. To avoid unwanted pregnancies, it is important to make sure that your mice are accurately sexed and separated no later than 6 weeks. 



Mice are generally hardy creatures with few health problems, but if you suspect something is wrong or abnormal, or notice your mouse acting differently, do not hesitate to take your pet mouse to see the vet. 

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