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Beginner Fish for Your First Aquarium

Amy S.

Nov 30, 2022

Starting a freshwater aquarium can be intimidating, especially when it comes to choosing which fish can live together in harmony. Check out this list of easy to care for starter fish to build your aquarium family.


red wagtail platy fish swimming in an aquarium
red wagtail platy @The Spruce Pets

Platies come in a wide variety and present with different colors, markings, and sizes. The red wagtail platy pictured here is a very harmonious tank dweller, as are the salt and pepper, tuxedo, and "Mickey Mouse" platies. They don't get bigger than 3 inches so these are best for smaller tanks and can add an easy spark of color to your tank.

Origin: Mexico and Central America

Fish Size: 1-3 inches

Tank Size: 10-20 gallons

Temperature: 65-78 F

Food: Freshwater flakes

Zebra Danio (Zebrafish)

striped zebra danio swimming in tank
zebra danio, @Fishkeeping World

Part of the minnow family, zebra danios, are one of the easiest aquarium fish to care for. These fast swimmers have torpedo-shaped bodies and can easily dodge their fellow aquarium mates. They can sport bright zebra stripes or more neutral colors.

Origin: South Asia

Fish Size: 1-3 inches

Tank Size: 10-20 gallons

Temperature: 65-78 F

Food: Freshwater flakes

Harlequin Rasbora

an orange and black fish swimming through green plants
Harlequin Rasbora @AquariumSource

Known for their orange and black triangle shape, these Harlequins are small but hearty additions to any aquarium. Their nimble fins keep them safe from larger fish predators and they can live solo or with a group of Harlequins. They are known throughout the fish community to be a breeze to care for at any skill level.

Origin: South Asia

Fish Size: 1-2 inches

Tank Size: 10-20 gallons

Temperature: 65-78 F

Food: Freshwater flakes

African Dwarf Frog

small water frog swimming through an aquarium tank
African Dwarf Frog @Riverpark Aquatics

Surprise! These little water frogs should only be kept with very docile fish, perfect for your new fish. Make sure to have a sealed top to your tank or these little guys can escape. They are fun to watch bounce throughout your tank and if you get close you'll see little claws at the ends of their feet!

Origin: Africa

Frog Size: .5-1.5 inches

Tank Size: 5-15 gallons

Temperature: 75-82 F

Food: Freshwater sinking pellets

Good luck with your fish adventure!

Remember to visit a store (like us!) that can help inform your tank decisions to make sure your fish have a happy and healthy future. We're here to answer any questions you have about your tank setup, water, which fish can cohabitate, and how to eventually expand your fish community.

See you at the pet store!

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